영어5 How to make stress your friend 3 https://youtu.be/gCwQGId1DE8 People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die. 많은 스트레스를 경험했지만 스트레스를 해롭게 생각하지 않은 사람들은 사망과 관련이 적었습니다. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dying of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress. 오히려 그 사람들은 이 연구에서 사망 확률이 가장 낮은 사람들이였죠. 거의 스트레스를 받지 않은 사람들을 포함해서 말입니다. Now the researchers estima.. 2023. 3. 18. 화상 면접 꿀팁 영어 쉐도잉 part1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ3FXj2EyBU&t=125s 전체영상 영어대본 How to Ace Your Video InTerview looks like This is what a virtual inverview looks like. 실제 화상 면접은 이렇습니다 This is what if feels like. 하지만 심적으로는 이렇게 느껴지죠. virtual : 가상의 Interviews are already nerveracking, but when you throw a video element into it, it becomes that much more anxiety-inducing for a lot of people. 면접은 그 자체만으로도 부담스러운데 비디오라는 .. 2021. 5. 25. Talk about future cars Small Talk First of all, let’s introduce ourselves briefly Now let’s share a special story these days, can be interesting, sad, shocking and so on, any story is fine. Please share it with us What are your resolutions for New year? What were your resolutions last year? did you make it? Talk about future cars Car technology is an important field of research. Carmakers are competing against each ot.. 2020. 7. 13. 조심스레 어려운 부탁을 할 때 Please 대신 Is there any way~? (비즈니스 영어 표현) www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG9gypDiq2U 구슬쌤 유튜브 채널 어려운 부탁을 할 때 사용하는 표현 Please, Could, Would 1. Is there any way ~ 할 수 있는 방법이 없을까요? -Is there any way I can/could~ 제가 ~할 수 있는 방법이 있을까요? -Is there any way you can/could ~해주실 수 있는 방법이 있을까요? Is there any way you could squeeze me in? 저를 끼워주실 수 있는 방법이 있나요? squeeze (someone) in: (바쁜 상황이지만) ~을 위해 짬을 내다. ex) Excuse me, but is there any way you can squeeze us in.. 2020. 6. 2. 입트영 Talk about the benefits of being a morning person. Small talk. First of all, let’s introduce ourselves briefly Now let’s share a special story these days, can be interesting, sad, shocking and so on, any story is fine. Please share it with us! Do you have any respectful person you have? If so why do you respect them? Please tell us the reason. Talk about the benefits of being a morning person. Many friends are night owls, but I am a morning pers.. 2020. 4. 24. 이전 1 다음