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36개 질문으로 사랑에 빠지는법 (영어공부)-3

by 연예인 영어 2021. 4. 16.



oh, hopefully that's steamed enough.

충분히 우려진 거면 좋겠는데

I don't know if it is.

잘 모르겠어요.


Does it taste pepperminty at all, or is it just straight water?

페퍼민트 맛이 나기는 해요? 아니면 맹물이에요?



It's just really nice warm water.

그냥 따뜻한 물이네요.


Do you want-

이건 어떠세요...

Do you want to pour in back in, or is that weird?

다시 따라 넣을래요? 이상할까요?


Is that?


I don't think so

이상하진 않을 것 같아요.

It's gonna go all over the place.

다 흘릴 것 같은데.

Just do it. Just do it.

그냥, 그냥 부으세요.


Are you totally nervous too?

다니도 정말 긴장되나요?

Oh, yeah.

정말 그래요.

Oh, I'm like ,dying right now.

저는 지금 죽을 것 같아요.

It's Okay.



[Set two Question 13: Seeing the Future] Okay, if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

[두 번째 파트 질문13: 미래를 보기] 당신 자신, 삶, 미래를 포함해 무엇이든 진실을 알려주는 크리스털 구가 있다면 무엇이 알고 싶은가요?

What would I want to know?

무엇이 알고 싶으냐고요?

I would want to know who and when I, like, get married.

누구랑 언제 결혼할지 알고 싶어요.





You would want to know that?

그걸 알고 싶어요?



That's cool


What about you?


I don't-



What would you want to know?

뭘 알고 싶으세요?

I don't know that I'd want to know anything.

별로 뭘 알고 싶지 않은 거 같아요.




아무것도 없어요?


Yeah, I like just being suprised by life and I wouldn't want to know when I was going to die.

삶이 주는 놀라움이 좋고, 언제 죽는지도 알고 싶지 않을 것 같아요.


알고 싶지 않다고요?


I get,like, some people can sometimes, like if you know you're going to die, like, you can really truly live because you know you've got, like, limited time, but I'm not sure I would choose that.

어떤 사람은 언제 죽을지를 알면 최선을 다해 살 수 있겠죠. 주어진 시간이 한정되어 있다는 걸 아니까요.

그런데 제가 그런 선택을 할지는 모르겠어요.



